We Invite Everyone to Apply!
At Hudson Property Services, LLC, we adhere to federal fair housing laws and we welcome people of all races, colors, sexes, genders, religions, handicaps, familial statuses, national origins, and sexual orientations to apply for our available rentals.
Rental Application
Please use the link below to begin the application process. Our rental application is 100% online, and can be completed on a desktop, tablet or smart phone. The full application takes approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Please have your ID and proof of income ready, and click the link below to get started. Please remember, a separate application and $20 non-refundable background check fee is required for each adult occupant.
Pet and Animal Screening
Four-legged friends apply here! Whether a pet, ESA or assistance animal, we require all cats, dogs and animals be verified and screened by PetScreening.com. Simply sign up, complete your pet profile and you're on your way! The pet application fee is $20 for the first pet and $15 for every additional pet, and there is no charge ($0) for submitting a reasonable accommodation request for an assistance animal.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Rental applications typically take 2 business days to process. One of the most time-consuming elements on our end is verifying employment and rental references. We strongly recommend that you notify your employer(s) and landlord(s) that you are expecting verification calls and request that they reply promptly. Your assistance with this will go a long way in expediting the application process.
Still have questions?
Give us a call at (845) 345-4477 or email Info@HPShomes.com. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help!